Thursday, June 18, 2020

Left Brain vs Right Brain Research Paper - 825 Words

Left Brain vs Right Brain (Research Paper Sample) Content: Left Brain Vs. Right BrainNameCourseDate The human brain is literally a pair organ that is divided into two equal halves. These mirror image halves are known as the hemispheres ; left brain and right brain. Although the hemispheres look similar, they are different in their performance and abilities. Every person has a preference on one side. This difference is portrayed in the language, speech and spatial abilities. However , there are those who are whole brained ,which means they have equal adept to both the left and the right brains in a balanced manner (Dardo Nora ,2012).Through early research some interesting characteristics of the brain processing functions was discovered. This discovery led to the labeling of the hemisphere with regard to the functions it performed most or credited to. In some of the findings , the left brain was found to be controlling the language and speech while the right brain was controlling motor, spatial and sensory skills. However, however after the modern studies , it was noted that there is no person who is fully left or right brained. This is because the hemispheres always overlap to a certain degree (Dardo Nora, 2012). The preference to use one part of the brain is called lateralization. characteristic The function of the left and the right brain is evident in the phenomenon of the right or left handedness and the ears preference. The gender and sex differences are visible is almost every aspect of both physiological psychology and neural anatomy. This is also evident in the lateralization between the two different genders. The lateralization of the brain has implied that an individual could be left or right brain dominant which is based on the personality or cognitive abilities. However there is not much evidence that could certainly indicate that s uch a phenotypic difference in the brain hemisphere functions exists. According to a study by Herve , Zago , Petit , Mazoyer , Tzourio-Mazoyer (2013), they found out that for most right handed people pay attention to stimuli that come from the language which elicits brain activity that is literalized to the left hemisphere. However , when a stimuli comes from the visuaospatial processes, the brain activity is literalized now to the right hemisphere . This is a typical aspect that is associated with the neuropsychiatric disorder. Another study also found out that the classical language regions of the brain which are the medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex are strongly lateralized to the left but that of the insula ,anterior cingulate cortex, angular gyrus and visual cortex are more literalized to the right (Dardo Nora ,2012). The left brains vs. right brain theory founded by Roger Sperr y in the 1960s indicates that people have dominant brain hemisphere that has effect on their learning and personality. The theory suggests that the left brained people are more logical while the right brained ones are more creative. This implies that each of the hemisphere has its specific cognitive processes. This theory of the left brain vs. the right brain was developed by Roger Sperry through studies done on patients who also experienced another symptom when the communication pathway between the two hemispheres was cut. Learning has many styles and the best way to understand these styles is through understanding the brain function. It is evident that both sides of the brain are capable of reasoning , but their strategies is different. This implies that there is one side that could be dominant from the other. The previous research indicated that the left side o f the brain is analytical while the right side is described as global. Learning for a left brained person is supposed to be systematic sequential format. This begins with details leading to a complex concept. The right brain prefers starting with the general concepts ending with the specific.However, researchers later using advanced strategies found that brain sides work together. This is after the discovery of the communication pathway called the corpus collosum. ...

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